Due to new FDA regulations, we are no longer able to have Methimazole Transdermal Pens available for office use. This means that we will have to order your pet’s Methimazole Transdermal Pen specifically for him/her and this will take additional time to arrive.
For your convenience, Methimazole is available in a 30, 60, or 90 day supply.
Please allow 7-10 business days’ notice when notifying the office of your refill request for this medication.
For your convenience, Methimazole is available in a 30, 60, or 90 day supply.
Please allow 7-10 business days’ notice when notifying the office of your refill request for this medication.
Contact our practice today to schedule an appointment or obtain additional information.
Skip the Front Desk - We Have A Dedicated Pharmacy Line: 717-501-4797 Leave a message with your name, pet's name and prescription refill, and we will call you when your prescription refill is ready to pick up. |
We keep medications and preventatives stocked in our office for the convenience to our clients and patients. Requests for medications from our in house pharmacy take priority over online pharmacy requests, which can take up to a week to be approved.